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Tag Archives: cell phone addiction

Please Don’t Have A Crisis – I’m Turning My Phone Off For The Day!

Nope, no one can have a crisis today! I’m thinking of doing just that. Not have a crisis, but turning my phone and my computer off for the day. There are pitfalls. How would anyone get in touch with me? My kids? I would have to let them know ahead of time so they wouldn’t worry. I would have to look up my home phone number for them because I’m pretty sure they don’t know it and I don’t either. Then I would have to stay home by the home phone all day. You know… in case an important call came through. Andrew would be ok. I think he has forgotten he has parents this semester! I would have to write out checks to pay my bills, find stamps, and hope I didn’t miss the mailman. Maybe I won’t need any information from the internet today. Do I have time for all that? Oh no! How will I check my stats? Arrrgh…This wouldn’t be easy. Maybe I’ll just try to tone it down a bit. That could work, couldn’t it? This could be called a crisis if I follow through!

Yes, we were just as guilty as everyone else! As we sat at in the restaurant, menu in front of us and cellphone in our hands, I looked around and noticed plenty of other couples in the same predicament. Couples both on cellphones, teens on cellphones, even small children with an electronic device in front of them. Instead of communicating with each other and paying attention to their children, they were texting, playing games, reading info on the internet, even talking on their cell phones. To keep the kids quiet, they were given an electronic device of their own. Look around…you know I’m right.

I sat in the car at Playground Music last Saturday waiting on Harry. It was raining and when he goes in that store he starts talking and it could be an hour or more before he emerges with excuses of how hard it was to get away, etc. It was easier to stay in the car and wait. I wouldn’t get wet and anyway I had my Kindle and my cell phone. There was plenty to keep me busy and I wouldn’t feel guilty about wasting time because what else was there to do? I ran the battery on my cell phone down to 33% while he was in there for more than an hour! Good thing we weren’t on a schedule.

Harry and I were usually pretty good about not constantly watching our cell phones for messages or calls on our evenings out…until we got hooked on Words With Friends. I must admit, its my fault. I turned him onto the game when we acquired new phones this summer. My daughters had it on their phones and I couldn’t play because BlackBerry didn’t have the app! Now, I have an iPhone and WOW!

You know its gotten out of hand when you sit in a restaurant waiting for your turn to play. (Elle’s useful tip…use this time to explore the internet, answer emails, or text your friends because he is busy and not paying attention to you anyway). Sometimes we sit in bed next to each other playing Words With Friends! LOL! Here’s our conversation: H…”Your turn.” Me…”I just played.” H…”Is that even a word?” Me…”It took it.” The word was dhobi. Now, I have no idea what that means but apparently Words With Friends does and you can also make it plural for more points on your next turn! We could go on for an hour or two with one eye on the TV and one on the phone. H can even play during commercials. This does keep him from flipping those channels so often. 🙂

I have a game going constantly with all four of my daughters and one with Harry. I have to admit…haven’t lost but one game yet! That was with Kerri. (Only because I had a Q and other letters left in my hand when she played her last letter. Right Kerri?)  She is always the quickest to respond and on top of her game. Amie is the next in line with quick responses. Then Terri. Jessie is last…some times we play only a few words a week! She has gotten faster and almost beat me a few days ago!

Da…ding Da…ding! Bringg Bringg! Tweet..Tweet! Buzzz…Buzzz…Buzzz! These are the sounds our phones make when notifying us of important stuff…important to us anyway. It’s called onomatopoeia. An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates sound. Now how would I know that if I didn’t have internet? Where’s my dictionary? Go ahead and have your crisis. I’m keeping my phone turned on!


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