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Check out these great links of #reblogwednesday participants! Just post your links to the comments on Your Very Own Re-Blog Page  or #REBLOGWEDNESDAY and you could be part of the excitement!

Click on the centered highlighted link above each group of entries to stop at the doorstep of each contributor.


February 2015  – Current date  re-blogs listed in no particular order


Visit here for Jerry’s complete list of re-blogs

  1. Wagginmaster re-blogged from Kristin Lambs blog………….      When life circumstances delivers a bushel of of rotten fruit or when you find yourself in a place different from your plans, it can be difficult to march on
  2. Wagginmaster (aka Jerry) re-blogged……………………………………………………..
  3. Wagginmaster (aka Jerry) re-blogged……………………………………………………..
  4. Wagginmaster (aka Jerry) reblogged………………………………………………………
  5. Wagginmaster (akaJerry) reblogged……………………………………………………….


Visit here for Julz complete page of re-blogs

  1. Julz – re-blogged  If you want to know whether it’s the year of the goat or the year of the sheep, have a look! The original post is written by Debbie who lives in China and she should know!
  2. Julz – re-blogged…   i’m going to cheat this week i wrote this post earlier in the week and at the end I copied/re-blogged a video – first time I’ve had a video in any of my posts – of status quo in the nude singing one of their hits – it actually came from their website, so it counts as a reblog doesn’t it Elle?
  3. Julz – reblogged… – its a step by step tutorial on ‘How to shorten a metal zipper without wrecking your good sewing scissors’hope you find it useful!
  4. Julz – re-blogged…  if you want to be blatantly self promotional too – have a look!
  5. Julz – re-blogged…  “Taking a Walk Through History” Greensleeves


  1. Curtis re-blogged…………………………….  The Global Consilium blog deals with important issues in a serious and informative way, […]
  2. Curtis re-blogged…………………………….

lachouett “book reviews for pleasure”

Visit here for Chouett’s complete page of re-blogs!

  1. Chouett re-blogged………………………….
  2. Chouett re-blogged………………………..
  3. Chouett re-blogged…………………………
  4. Chouett re-blogged…………………………
  5. Chouett re-blogged………………………..


  1. Ladypbwiggins re-blogged…………….  One of the things I am interested in is healthier cooking recipes. Here is one that I found that I would like to try.  I hope you enjoy the Greek Stuffed Peppers
  2. Ladypbwiggins re-blogged……………  I thought others might be interested in this dessert/ It is simple, nutritious and I expect it to be tasty. I haven’t made it yet but I plan to.


  1. Trudy re-blogged…  I like the tone used in the post and even though its happened in Hong Kong, I think the situation relates to any big city with swarms of people and modern cynicism.
  2. Trudy re-blogged…  the writer also writes about her trials of finding eligible men and dating. Its called New York Cliche , she’s honest in her descriptions.
  3. This post has all the emotions a person can contain, anger, fear, outrage, frustration, love, resignation, and desperation. It reminded me of past relationships that didn’t serve me and now I realize it quicker than ever before.
  4. My reblog this week is from Michelle Weber one of the Happiness Engineers in Blogging University her blog is titled and the post is .
    Enjoy! And also my blog is
  5. Thus is my submission for #reblogwednesday
    Beat Back the Blogging Blues –


  1. Lilypup re-blogged………

Life Of Janine

  1. Janine re-blogged……..
  2. Janine re-blogged…….  Think spring, baby animals, and bits of green poking out of the garden.


  1. Janice Wald re-blogged…….  A great networking idea for all bloggers!
  2. Hi, I reblogged my friend Sunshine’s post and am holding my first blogger Meet and Greet! I hope everyone will come! That’s how I met Sunshine! Networking is important in blogging, so I’m trying to help bloggers network. Here is the link:
  3. Here is my 5/28 Reblog Thursday.
  4. Another reblog for you:
  5. And yet another:

Trista Souza

  1. Trista Souza reblogged………Possiblebook topics in the works


  1. Estelea has her re-blog for the week up…….Good morning from the Philippines 🙂 The post is embedded here
    The original, in case is here
  2. Happy Wed to you all 🙂 Here is my link
  3. reblogging the fantastic
  4. It’s all here:
    Have a great day!
  5. Good morning from the Philippines 😉 here is my link to the beautiful story of twins separated at birth who find each other again on line after 25 years! I had to reblog 🙂

Tim Gatewood

  1.  Here’s the post that I re-blogged:
  2. Here is a post that I reblogged on Wednesday of this week:
  3. Here is this week’s article for Reblog Wednesday:

16 responses »

  1. Thanks for including my reblogs.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Elle! I am #reblogging this because as a part of my blogging101 assignment to be a good neighbor and the #reblogWednesday. The assignment was to find blogs that interest me and I have. This post especially because it spurred an apology post by the writer afterwards. That got me to thinking why as women do we feel the need to apologize even when we are being hurt and taken advantage of? I’ve felt that before and afterwards wanting to kick myself for apologizing after self examination and self doubt. Thinking you may have somehow insulted someone when you were outraged previously. I’m still learning the right to my own agency and to have conviction in owning my feelings, especially if you feel abused in some way. This post has all the emotions a person can contain, anger, fear, outrage, frustration, love, resignation, and desperation. It reminded me of past relationships that didn’t serve me and now I realize it quicker than ever before.

    when you say how far is enough

    Liked by 2 people

  3. thanks for putting up the lists elle, its beginning to take shape – your challenge I mean – smile

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s a great intitiative, Elle, glad you’re getting a good response. My reblogs are currently not quite as they should be as I’m doing it on a tablet which drives me a bit insane. But I did one for Dennis Cardiff’s blog about homeless people, which I hope you don’t mind me linking to here:

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am reblogging but not connected and i don’t know why

    Liked by 1 person


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