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There’s an art to tidying up your home according to Marie Kondo, author of The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up. According to Marie, once you tidy it should be easy to keep it tidy. I’m hoping that’s true.

This is the book that has mesmerized me, keeping me reading in my spare time – what there is of it. If anyone needs help with storage and tidying in this tiny house it would be me. After reading the first few chapters of Marie’s book, I started out by tidying H’s t-shirts and shorts drawers, even though the rule of thumb is not to tidy anyone’s crap belongings except your own. My thoughts on that subject were – He will never do it himself!

Three drawers over-flowing with t-shirts and shorts would be an easy fix. How hard could it be? Three hours later I was still tidying. That averages out to about an hour plus a drawer from what I figure. Now there is a certain way to fold your t-shirts and stack them in the drawer to save space and time when choosing one to wear. After discarding umpteen dozen white t’s with fraying collars and unknown stains, I began the art of folding. It took a couple of tries – ok, ten or twenty tries – and I think I have now mastered it. They fit perfectly in the drawer side-by-side! What do you think? The point is to keep it looking this way.


I sent my girls a picture. They said I had way too much time on my hands – which of course we all know that’s not true.  One of them commented – “Now take one out and try to put it back in!” Tsk…tsk…tsk… Such non-believers. Why do I even bother? They will be jealous on their next visit when they see my neat and tidy house. The t’s really slip in and out quite easily – as long as you know the system. I’ll have to teach that little trick to H. Hope he will be a willing subject.

Next on my tidying list was H’s shorts drawer. Who needs twenty-one pairs of shorts? And two with the tags still on. In his defense, he does wear them, especially in the summers during summer band camp. Oh wait…that will be going away soon won’t it? I promise – if he asks, and he very well may – I did not discard any of his shorts. All twenty-one pairs that were crammed and misfolded and balled up are now nice and neatly folded, taking up residence in the middle and bottom drawers. From the looks of this picture he doesn’t have much of a color choice. Fortunately there are more hues in the next drawer up.



I was soon mentally exhausted after tidying H’s drawers up for the better part of my day so I waited until the next day to do mine. You see, I practiced on his and mine look much better. I even discarded tons of stuff I keep saying I’m going to wear and never do. I have no one to answer to but myself.

Now you don’t need to know or see pics of all the unmentionables and how they are folded and stored properly to save space, but believe me, my drawers, and H’s  – no pun intended – have thanked me for their more spacious quarters.

Marie Kondo would be shocked at the sight of my fabric and sewing supplies stash. It’s next on my tidying list. She stated that no home was short of storage room. Hmmm…she hasn’t see how small this house actually is. I may prove her wrong on that one.

I keep waiting for that chapter on too much furniture in a tiny house and how to discard or fold it away. Sigh…




About Elle Knowles

Elle Knowles lives in the Florida Panhandle with her husband and off-at-college-most-of-the-time son. She has four daughters, one son, and eleven beautiful grandchildren. 'Crossing the Line' is her first novel. The sequel 'What Line' is a work in progress. Recently published is Coffee-Drunk Or Blind - a nonfiction story of homesteading in the Alaska wilderness with her parents and four siblings, told through letters by her mother and remembered accounts from the family.

23 responses »

  1. Elle, the book sounds great, but I’m afraid to show it to my wife. God knows where it might lead.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t just suggest tidy, I recommend tossing out. I’ve been going through drawers and closets and boy, am I on a tear.
    Her book sounds invigorating…there are so few things we can control so tidy undies must make you feel on top of the world. Would me. Order should be the law…Law and Order…just watched a rerun with no sound…LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Elle, I LOVE Marie Kondo. I did my stuff in our house in April, and all of the changes she walks you through stuck. Everything is still tidy. It takes me 30 minutes to “clean” (not put away crap) on Saturdays. Folding is like zen for me. My husband gave me the book but won’t read it. His closet is a disaster but I just close the door. I fold his underoos and socks perfectly and he shoves in them a drawer. But it doesn’t dissuade me because my closet and drawers look puuurrrrfect 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am a tidy person by nature, but her book did prove useful! Are you ready to have your mind blown? Between the two of us getting rid of stuff, via her method, we emptied so many drawers that we no longer needed the chest! All of our folded clothes now reside in one dresser, can you imagine?!?
    And it’s totally life-changing, as long as you fold everything her way all the time, it stays like that. I did it about a year ago and it’s all neat as a pin. I bought new pajamas, tossed out an old pair. I bought new boots, tossed out an old pair of shoes. Quite simple, really.
    I can’t get my little girls on board, but it’ll be their issue later, I suppose 😉
    The one I struggle with massively is the handbag issue. Have you read that part? I think it was toward the beginning. Anyway, retailers are destroying my handbag tidiness with their lengthy, wasteful receipts!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I can see where this will be life-changing and its not as hard as you would think. If I could get H on board we may have a chance. I think he may have hoarding tendencies – sushhh…keep that to yourself. 😉 Like I said, I’m waiting for that chapter on furniture folding! Aw the handbag dilemma. That’s sometimes a challenge. I don’t think I’ll be talking to the contents of my handbag anytime soon either. What about you? ~Elle

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      • Mine is a bit of a packrat as well, which is why he’s allowed two tack boxes of military stuff in HIS garage 🙂
        No, I just don’t see the point of removing it all. I don’t think Marie carries much. She doesn’t need tissues and stuff, so I’m not sure she’s a real human! I like my handbag goodies, and I think it would take too much time to fill it all back in. I COULD get in the habit of cleaning it out when I get home though…but I haven’t. Hate receipts! Hate them!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m trying to tidy up, also. When I was married I used to think that if I lived all by myself my place would always be clean and organized. I was wrong.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I try to tidy up but then I can’t find anything even though I put things in a sensible place where I know I will find things but everything seems to grow legs as soon as I turn my back. Florida Panhandle, eh ? I lived in Miami 60 years but recently moved to North Carolina.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t you hate it when you put something away and then have no idea where you put it? I have come to realize it is easier to loose things in small places! Been in Florida for about 12 years now. Miss Louisiana food but as long as I can cook I’ll have a bit of it with me. ~Elle

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